Sunday, April 26, 2009


Ok man please read this... I am sure you'll be amazed! Please forgiving me as I do not have the patient and time to translate this thing to the readers who do not understand chinese...

This beggar demonstrating how important is knowledges to us. Please think before you do anything. What ever position you are in, you have an opputurnity to gain yourself a better of if you think critically before you do it, even if you were a beggar.

BUT! Please remember, begging is violating the laws. Hahahahas. So do something else.


Start content of the forward email :

我拎著剛買的levi's從茂業出來,站在門口等一個朋友。一個職業乞丐發現了我,非常專業的、逕直地停在我面前。「先生……行行好,給點吧。」我一時無聊便在口袋裡找出一個硬幣扔給他並同他攀談起來。乞丐很健談。「我只在華強北一帶乞討,你知道嗎?我一掃眼就見到你。在茂業買levi's,一定捨得花錢。」「哦?你懂得蠻多嘛!」我很驚訝。「做乞丐,也要用科學的方法。」他說。我一愣,饒有興趣地問:「什麼科學的方法?」「你看看我和其他乞丐有什麼不同的地方先?」他,頭髮很亂、衣服很破、手很瘦,但都不髒。他打斷我的思考,說:「人們對乞丐都很反感,但我我看得出來,你對我並不反感,這就是我與其他乞丐的不同之處。」我點頭默認,要不我怎麼同一個乞丐攀談起來。「我懂得swot分析,優勢、劣勢、機會和威脅。我的優勢是不令人反感。機會和威脅都是外在因素,無非是人口多和將要市容整改等。」「我做過精確的計算。這裡每天人流上萬,窮人多,有錢人更多。理論上,我若每天向每人討1塊錢,每月就能掙30萬。但並不是每個人都會給,而且每天也討不了這麼多人。所以我得分析,哪些是目標客戶,哪些是潛在客戶。」他潤潤嗓子繼續說:「在北區,我的目標客戶是總人口流量的3成,成功機率70%。潛在客戶佔2 成,成功機率50%;剩下5成,我選擇放棄,因為沒有足夠的時間在他們身上碰運氣。」「那你是怎樣定義你的客戶呢?」我追問。「首先,目標客戶就像你這樣的年輕先生,有經濟基礎,出手大方。此外還有那些情侶,他們為了在異性面前不丟面子也會大方施捨。其次,我把落單的漂亮女孩看作潛在客戶,因為她們害怕糾纏,多數會花錢消災。這兩類群體,年齡都控制在20~30歲。年齡太小,沒什麼經濟基礎;年齡太大,可能已結婚,財政大權掌握在老婆手中。這類人,根本沒戲,恨不得反過來找我要錢。」「那你每天能討多少錢。」我繼續問。「週一到週五,生意差點,兩百塊左右吧。週末,甚至可以討到四、五百。」「這麼多?」見我有些懷疑,他給我算了一筆帳。「和你們一樣,我也是每天工作8小時──上午11點到晚上7點,週末正常上班。我每乞討1次的時間大概為5秒鐘,扣除來回走動和搜索目標的時間,大約1分鐘乞討1次得1塊錢,8個小時就是480塊,再乘以成功機率60%[(70%+50%)÷2],得到將近300塊。」「千萬不能黏著人滿街跑。如果乞討不成,我決不死纏濫打。他若肯給錢的話早就給了,就算腆著臉糾纏,成功的機會還是很小。不能將有限的時間浪費在無施捨慾望的客戶身上,不如轉而尋找下一個目標。」強!這個乞丐聽上去真不可貌相,倒像是一位資深的市場營銷總監。「你接著說。」我更感興趣了,看來今天能學到新的東西了。「有人說做乞丐是靠運氣吃飯,我不以為然。舉個例子,百貨司門口,一個帥氣的男生、一個漂亮的女孩,你選哪一個乞討?」我想了想,說不知道。「應該去男的那兒。身邊就是美女,他不好意思不給。若去了女的那邊,她大可假裝害怕你而遠遠地躲開。」「再舉個例子。那天cocopark門口,一個年輕女孩,拿著一個購物袋,剛買完東西;還有一對青年男女,吃著冰淇淋;第三個是衣著考究的年輕男子,拿著筆記本包包。我看了3秒鐘,毫不猶豫地走到女孩面前。女孩在袋子裡掏出兩個硬幣扔給我,並奇怪我為什麼只找她乞討。我回答說:那對情侶在吃東西,不方便掏錢;那個男的是高級白領,身上可能沒有零錢;妳剛從超市買東西出來,身上肯定有零錢。」有道理!我越聽越有意思。「所以我說,知識決定一切!」我聽十幾個總裁講過這句話,第一次聽乞丐也這麼說。「要用科學的方法來乞討。天天躺在天橋上,怎能討到錢?走天橋的都是行色匆匆的路人,誰沒事走天橋玩,爬上爬下的多累。要用知識武裝自己,學習知識可以把一個人變得很聰明,聰明的人不斷學習知識就可以變成人才。21世紀最需要的是什麼?就是人才。」「有一次,一人給我50塊錢,讓我替他在樓下喊『安紅,我想你』,喊100聲。我一合計,喊一聲得花5秒鐘,跟我乞討一次花費的時間相當,所得的酬勞才5毛錢,於是我拒絕了他。」「在深圳,一般一個乞丐每月能討個千兒八百。運氣好時的大概兩千多點。全深圳十萬個乞丐,大概只有十個乞丐,每月能討到一萬以上。我就是這萬里挑一當中的一個。而且很穩定,基本不會有很大的波動。」太強了!我越發佩服這個乞丐了。「我常說我是一個快樂的乞丐。其他乞丐說是因為我討的錢多,所以快樂。我對他們說:錯了,正是因為我有快樂、積極的心態,所以討的錢多。」說得多好啊!「乞討就是我的工作,要懂得體味工作帶來的樂趣。雨天人流稀少的時候,其他乞丐都在抱怨或者睡覺。千萬別這樣,用心感受一下這座城市的美。晚上下班後帶著老婆孩子逛街玩耍看夜景,一家三口其樂融融,也不枉此生了。若是碰到同行,有時也會扔個硬幣,看著他們高興地道謝走開,就彷彿看見自己的身影。」「你還有老婆孩子?」我不禁大聲讚歎,引來路人側目。「我老婆在家做全職太太,孩子念小學。我在福田區十年分期買了一套房,還差六年就還清了。我要努力掙錢,供兒子讀大學念市場營銷專業,然後子承父業當一個比我更出色的乞丐。」「我5年前在微硬中華大區做市場策劃,2年前升為營銷經理,月薪5千。那時按分期付款買了一台1萬多的三星筆記本,每個月還款2千,要死要活的。後來想想這樣永遠也出不了頭,就辭職不幹了,下海做乞丐──我願意做一個高素質的乞丐。」聽完,我激動地說:「你有沒有興趣收我做徒弟……」

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I feel the urge...!

Today I was having my second last paper, PMG which is real boring. SERIOUSLY, some of the questions are really retarted and I don't see any point of having such questions in our paper. I finished everything off in 35 mins and rush out to meet up my friend as I don't have car today. Ohyea, I missed out the "great" part. lolz. Imagine met 4 times of car accidents in a month and I just do not know why all these happening. No doubts, the first and third time were my mistake, but luckily they are only having minor scratchs. So it was real lucky to escape for paying opponent the money... But the second and fourth time are the opponent's wrong. This time I even luckier coz I having the opponent who is owning a garage and he fix me everything for free....! (coz last time there were a few scratchs exactly at the same part he bangs) But still I spend 100+ to repair everything and tomorrow sending car do some maintainance since I found there is something with the car... Just not as smooth as before. I guess the car is aging so it's the time for a new car!! *gasp* ohhhh... ok dad i was kidding... XD

Exams and bad luck stress causing me to feel an ultimate urge for holiday! Oh man... my life was never easy after I started the degree life. There are some unknown factors which always bothering my mind and keeping me in a bad mood. ARGH! So yea, maybe you peoples are right. Hahahahas. Study psycho may makes people psycho. lolz.

HOLIDAY PLEASE~~~ 9 days to go!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

late updates...

This post is done on somebody's request lah. See I am so nice wei... I haven't study yet, I did not completed my reflective writing and did not go to sleep here but sitting here to do this post in the late night! lolz!! So be grateful for this!!

Ok picture says a thousand words... So I'll let the picture speak instead of me. XD (yeah la lazy la what to do? )

Surprisingly we did not spend a single cent on anything that is not necessary... including this thing above la

the five

they think they looks cute... *vomit* XD ( ohyea suddenly i realised why i vomit like hell that day!!)

trust me!! this is did on request of them as well!! ehhh alan what you doing there! not doing together meh????

well I have no idea what is this but looks cute right?? hehe


see...! girls so mean weii... making fun of other's suffer... bahh! i will remember these as well!

... and this of coz la... XD thank you lor ok?? hahahhas... although I dun know which one of you coming up with this idea...

Actually I do not really know why we choosed Genting. Nothing much we did... Hanging around, camwhoring those stupid things, chit-chat... and drink a lot. lolz. Everything can also done in KL. Anyway still enjoy this short trip very much although I was really stressful to get everything done before the trip la. Hahahahas.

Monday, April 6, 2009

good news to all the HELP-ian!!

Below was the email i received this morning.

Dear All

1. Please be informed that the parking space at ECM LIBRA car park is now available for students.
2. Rates charged as follows:
a. RM3.00 per entry (student to produce student ID to enjoy this benefit)
b. Season parking RM88.00 (normal RM138.00)
c. Refundable deposit RM100.00.
d. Replacement of lost parking tag RM100.00
3. Forms are obtainable at Secure Park booths. For informations/clarifications pse contact Vin 012-9063415 or Nick Lee 012-9066527.
4. Request all HODs/Senior Managers/Managers to disseminate this information to the students.


WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! How fantastic is this?
No more shuttle bus struggles! No more car-park war at the main block...! (that is hell far rite!!)
And most importantly, reducing my risk for being late to class XD



I just checked with the parking guys and found out that actually ECM LIBRA is also HELL FAR from KPD ... lolz
so I guess not much difference la... beside more car parks XD

Sunday, April 5, 2009


People said someone like me who is the eldest should take up the majority jobs in the family. H owever, I do not think so.

People said someone like me who is an adult should remember every single things. However I do not even remember what I ate this morning. SO WHAT??

People said someone like me who is studying psychology should not have any psychological problem.
However I am over stressed, I guess.
Why life could not be easier!!!

I a simple person, I deserve some simple life. Where is my life?